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Aug 29, 2007

9 week and more~ I wanna go sleep.


這個禮拜 爸比一出差
媽咪果然又每天 眼亮亮 到天光
一定以為自己身價上漲 呵呵

可是媽咪快going crazy了
現在才第9周 就每天晚上在床上滾來滾去 睡不著
天阿 白天還要上班耶

都沒人心疼媽咪一下 嗚嗚...

好消息: 這禮拜discharge brownish 沒囉!!

Aug 21, 2007

8 week and more ~ fuzzy!! :'(

昨天晚上 我在爸比又玩到半夜三更没給我們晚安親親的TRIGGER下
情緒落入低潮 跟爸比鬧了脾氣

整夜一個心臟咚咚咚 是你也不開心 所以吵吵鬧鬧
還是你在安慰我 有你同我一起........

(雖然我斷定他200%不知道這個節日的時間, 但因為孕婦脾氣大, 得找個肉厚厚的墊背出氣)

但是 媽咪真的好累
白天好累 好想睡 眼睛超疲勞 可是還要撐著
晚上好寂寞 連個人說話都沒有 (我不要跟nemo說話~~)
別說吃飯反胃没胃口 我連喝水都覺得討厭 (自首無罪: 我本來就討厭喝水)
看DVD 看書 頭脹的讓我想番筋斗 根本看不下
想出去走走 連逛間超市都沒辦法走全 還能去哪
好像關禁閉室 (cell) 天阿!

我也知道要多休息 你才會快快長大
可是睡不好 睡不著 媽咪也好受苦 情緒亂成一團
蓋被子嫌熱 不蓋被又冷
好煩 好煩

Aug 16, 2007

7W4D - puchi puchi puchi puchi :D

strong and fast steady heartbeat.
:D <== a little blink dot saying hi
:D:D:D <== I am a happy mommi..heheeheee
:D:D:D:D:D <== and a super happy daddy......hohoohooo

Aug 15, 2007

7 week and more - on-n-off

腹痛跟出血在老公給他的心戰喊話一番後 有穩定一些

不過反胃 疲倦 嗜睡 FUZZY 倒是像小瓢蟲一樣 跟過來鬧過去

啊 算是甜蜜的折磨吧
因為他超緊張的媽咪 感受不到他 又緊張的抓住爸比哭說 BABE哪裡去了 :P

老公難得浪漫 星期日帶我去SARATOGA HILL看流星群雨哦
我居然因為顛來轉去 一回家就吐給他看
嚇死他了 呵呵

明天要去看DR了 好緊張喔
希望BABE一切都好 不知道會不會聽到心跳.......

Aug 6, 2007

6 week and more - nausea, nausea, nausea

One of new milestones at my 6th week is....I start feel nausea and lose all my appetize....that means I am losing good-food-enjoy-time....noooooooo~~~

Another scary thing is, I gain 8lbs(94 to 102) in 2 weeks. If I keep this speed rate, I am afraid that I will catch his/or her dearest daddy's number pretty soon........kidding, that is a skyhight one I could never ever reach.

Anyway, wish me and the little good luck and go smooth this week.

5 week and more- cramping and bleeding

Last week time went so slow to me. Prohaps I counted every single minute to bless the little one.

Dr. gave me some pills to support my pretestrone level while I went to see her on 07/30. It was my 5wk-n-2day. The little round dot in my left uterine horn was seen in ultrasound wave. :)

Still many cramping and slightly bleeding happened in last week, even I spent plenty time on the bed... Of course, I had no way to blame anyone since I was the one losed temper. >_<

Lerion, my old school good friend, called me from Taiwan and informed me that she was preganent too! Even more, our due date is very close! Lerion is expecting her 2nd kid!