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Mar 17, 2008

2008/03/17~Ladies & Gentlemen - Kendrick K. Wong

Dear Friends, Family and Colleagues...

Some of you may know I don't usually get up so early every morning, except I need to catch a 06:30 flight out from SFO. Today, I got up at 05:30 without alarm clock, why... not because it is St. Patrick Day and I need to run to the supermarket for some Green Beer, because Michele and I have been waiting for this special day for more than 9 months. Our scheduled C Section is 10:00 March 17, 2008, so we got up, finished the usual thing (thanks god we packed last night) as Mommy Michele just "Mi Mi Mo" for a little. We head out the door at 07:35, wanted to stop by Starbuck for a White Mocha, stop by the one by my house and guess what, they run out (can anyone believe this). Right before I step out of Starbucks, Los Gatos Community Hospital called and said our appointment moved up to 08:30 and I still don't have my coffee yet.

Michele doesn't want to change the time, so she called Dr. Totman (her OGBYN) and wanted to stay as planned. So we stop by Michele sister's home to kill some time and drive around to find Starbucks. We arrived and checked in at 08:40, thing are moving pretty fast, couple nurses came around and explain the procedures, handed me the bunny suit for the OR (Operation Room). Signed some papers and get ready for the big show...

I was outside waiting until the OR is all setup, Dr. Totman arrived and Congratulate. "Happy Baby Day" she said, glad she is here to perform the C section. about 15 minutes later, they brought me in. Very interesting setup there, settle myself on the North Side, did some recording, but one of the nurse said no recording. oooh well, I shut it off a little... About 15 minutes, Dr, Totman said we got feet out, so I stood up and took some pictures (can't send those out, sorry, just says he covered in some "white" stuff). Baby Kendrick started to response (Cry baby Cry), pretty loud as well. Get some video feed in HD... warp him up and pass to mommy. So here is his spec...

Born March 17th, 2008
Weight 6 lbs 13 Oz
Length 19.5 inches

We are at Los Gatos Community Hospital (815 Pollard Road, Los Gatos) until Friday. If you guys want to stop by, feel free...

Best regards,
Michele & Dominic
PS. Michele is busy sleeping now :-P

38w2d, 03/17~ BB’s Big day

現在早上六點鐘 起來讓爸比幫媽咪洗頭洗澡

第一次跟你正式見面 好緊張喔

不知道媽咪會不會破戒 :P

香港阿媽爺爺昨天給的那些中文名 (鐵波 鐳江 踱一 炳森)
乖乖 我愛你
See you later, my sweetie. : )

Mar 15, 2008

37w6d, 03/14 ~ final count down

今天03/14去跟醫生商量晚一點生 改成3/25  
但Dr. MARY覺得風險太高
因為媽咪是子宮中隔 加上你 Head up high high 還是頭上腳下的臀位

所以確定3/17早上就要去生了 媽咪好緊張喔。。。
接下來日子好不同還有好多東西沒READY 好多地方沒跟爸比去

Another thought.....
剛生第二胎懷孕29週 他第一胎是30週,
我想我們算幸運 該滿足了吧。。。。

**03/15 Grandma Honey is here for you and mommy from Taiwan.

Mar 10, 2008

37w2d, 03/10 ~ last day working + last minute shopping

最後幾個禮拜了 爸比媽咪趕緊做最後採購
是不是你在告訴媽咪 你也等不及要跟我們見面 :)

Mar 4, 2008

36w ~ terrible strechmarksssssss

Strechmarks show up to my belly all of a sudden in my 34 week preganacy, and A LOT!!!

八 九個月身孕了 還以為逃過一劫 像姐姐第一胎一樣LUCKY
怎知像春天的花藤蔓一樣 乍然爬滿了肚肚
這幾天以黑黑的肚臍眼為中心 居然還產生像漩渦狀的紋路
BB太有藝術感了 就當作是幸福的記號吧