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Mar 25, 2010

20100323~34w2d~mini-mi drop a bit

8個月懷孕(32w起) 產檢從每四週開始改為每兩週一次
到第九個月(36w起)  就會密集為每一週一次產檢

mini-mi 心跳依然健康
mini-mi 在媽咪肚裡 頭右下腳左上(斜的)
Dr. M.K. 說mini-mi 位置有降下來一點點
雖然早下降不一定早生,但凡事小心為上 (
mini-mi 也要乖乖在媽咪肚肚裡休息多一個月喔


p.s. Mini-mi ~ mini-michele.是Tina表姨取的小名,Tina表姨希望之後給TJ也多添一個妹妹 tiny-Tina

Mar 22, 2010

20100322~ hiring a nanny (SF bay area)

Going back to work??!! I bet you are gonna miss little one all the time and cannot move your eyes from his/her photo on your destop screen....:">

We did put ads on chinese newspaper(TsingDao) because we preferred nanny speaks mandarin or cantonese. You can decide your preference for live-in or commute nanny.

Commute Nanny -----
Schedule: If you are not an early bird, you may also want to count in your preparing time before heading to work. My nanny comes over 8:30am-6:30pm (mine is generous on this .^_^.).
Price: approx $1400~1600 a month or $70~80 a day. Also depends demand-supply in the area.
(one friend's young educated nanny charges them $20/hr at SF city. :P)

Function: simply cooking for dinner, simply housework, laundry, shower for bb. ( up to you.)

Live-in Nanny -----
Schedule: Some asks for resting schedule, like no work during weekend or after 8:30pm or can set up your expectation too.

Price: Approx $1600~1850+ a month. depends on working hours and not necessary to be a lot more expensive since you offer lodge, food, laudry....

Function: simply cooking for dinner, simply housework, laundry, shower for bb. ( up to you.)

Note1 -Capability:
Remember your purpose is to have a nanny whose focus is on baby, not as a teacher, or as ahousekeeper. our selection is more on how we feel about nanny's personality and if bb is happy with her.
(one of my friends does concern if her bathroom is cleaned up or not lol.:D)

Note2 -Satbility:
You may want to take into consideration candidate's stability. After 5 month, BB is able to recogonize his main care provider, and you will want to avoid change nanny frequently. Some people may leave for higher pay jobs easily.
(dom's co-worker had bad experience on their first nanny, who left 2 weeks later without notice and took one LV bag. )

Note3 -Payment:
Set or ask candidate's expectation on payment. cash, check or..? every 2 wks, twice a month or once a month...**Price reference is SF bay area. Higher price and more rules for licensed/taxed nanny.

Note4 -Food:
Nanny's lunch. Our nanny bring her own, so I don't have to worry what she cannot or wants eat....but she is welcome to eat or cook anything from our ref if she wants of course.

Note5 - Misc:
My cousin only ask their nanny to prepare food ready for them to cook and prefer to take shower for bb themselve.

Note6 -Worth Value?:
This is how we count the value for parents like us to comfort ourselves why spend more money, FYI~~
-Decent daycare (family style) $800~900/month
-Pick-up/ send out $5/day (save time+gas) ; $150/month
-BB bath shower $5/day  $150/month
-Laundry for $25/week (familyx2+BBx2) $100/month
-Less BB sickness due to other kids (also, no need to rush to pick up bb or take day off when bb is sick)  :D

Cons is
-Less group interaction, so our plan is to let Kendrick go group or school after he is 2.5 or 3 yr-old.

Enjoy and hope it helps my dear freinds.

20100320~ BB shower for mini-mi

A Baby Shower for Michele & Dominic... Part 2!

see photos here...


Host: Vicky Chu

Location: Dominic & Michele's Home
When: Saturday, March 20, 12:00PM

Kendrick is going to be a big brother to a baby sister!
Please join us for a baby shower honoring the proud parents, Michele and Dominic.
Of course, children are welcome. Kindly respond by Wed., March 10.


Mar 17, 2010

20100317~incredible trouble 2 begins?

Due to mommy is getting tired easily with preganancy, KK doesn't have a BIG birthday party for his 2 celebration. Instead, both daddy and mommy took a day off to have fun with him.

KK's 2-yr-old birthday journeys
1. visit Dr. Pearlman for 2 year regular check! No shot today! No crying while seeing dr.
    ~ weight: 26lb5oz (20%), height: 35.5" (75%), head: 17"(15%)
2. having noodles before heading to CALIFORNIA Academy of Science at Golden Gate Park
    ~ happen to be free entrance every 3rd Wed of the month! Hooray. (thank for Chin's info.)
    ~ KK not really know how to appreciate the presentation there yet, but he did enjoy running around....maybe later when he is over 5....
3. driving back to have dinner & birthday cake ( the most exciting part).
    ~ dinner with auntie Vicky, & auntie Jenny plus uncle Ant at Korean noodle place
    ~ Sun's family came over to join for birthday song and KK's favorate strawberry cake!
4. playing around until 11:00pm...very late nite nite time today!

more photos....

p.s. Dr. Pearlman said Los Gatos Hospital is not the same atmosphere as it was before.....more rules under big hospital network....hope people still are warm heart there...

Mar 9, 2010

2010309~32w~fetal fibronectin??

今天由DR. Babara 看診
to take some swap sample to check one kind of Protein as pre-term index. The higher the index, the higher risk to have pre-term birth. Then, mommy should do bed resting.

英文名稱: fetal fibronectin
中文名稱: 胎兒纖維結合素
名詞解釋: 纖維結合素幫助胎盤和羊膜緊緊附著於子宮壁。如果子宮裡胎兒纖維結合素的數值升高,可能表示胎盤和羊膜正在鬆脫。許多產科醫師現在使用纖維結合素的檢測來輔助預測早產。

Fetal fibronectin is a “glue-like” protein that holds the developing baby in the womb. (胎兒纖維結合素是一種黏膠樣的蛋白質將胎兒穩地安置在子宮內)