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Sep 22, 2011

20110910~hand-foot-mouth disease

KK晚上要就寢前開始發燒, 隔天睡醒燒就退了, 但開始口內潰瘍, 破洞
腳底跟手指出現紅斑點, 醫生說是病毒, 所以什麼都不做
口腔潰瘍痛得KK睡覺都會哭醒, 期間每天想的是可以吃什麼不那麼痛, 又能維持熱量, 後來不要給含酸acid的食物, 多吃冰淇淋, 冰棒, 優格, 剪碎的湯麵或冬粉, ...約四天就會開始好轉, 七天就都OK了

Note: 妹妹沒耶

20110907~Fabrile Seisure (熱痙巒)

熱痙巒 Febrile Seisure,就是突然高燒誘發抽痙(抽筋)!Around 3% of all children have a seizure when younger than 15 years, half of which are febrile seizures (seizure brought on by a fever).

This is a note about seisure situation occurred on my almost 18 month baby girl.

Isabella - seisure

DOB: 03/28/2010
Gender: Female

Seisure Date: 09/07/2011
1. Fever: started around noon and last over whole night
2. Seisure Situation: Puke out a bit- seisure - Vomit - seisure stop
3. Seisure duration: once, ~ 10 mins

What catch our attention besides simple fabrile seisure:
1. Low heat fever: the highest measured was 100.4
2. Partial body seisure: only left arm/hand squeezing

What we did:
1. We tried to cool her temperature down with ice pad on front head after seisure. No more episode after.

Side info:
1. Isabella is a premature baby, stayed at NICU for 14 days.

20110922~Tic disorder?

Although Tic disorder is common on children, it worries me as a parent. Hereunder is brief observation data I would like to start note down for my dear KK.

KK- Tic disorder?

1st time :
age: around 2 and half
occasion: after bounce-a-rama extremely play
symptom: blinking eyes hard frequently
duration: remain 1-2 day.

age: around 3 and 3 1/4
occasion: unknown
symptom: blinking eyes excessively
duration: remain 3-5 day, on-and-off.

age: around 3 and half
occasion: unknown
symptom: blinking eyes excessively and frequently, morning, after nap, playing,
duration: daily and more frequent, remain few weeks so far since 09/B/2011.

side info
KK himself- blood test done 09/19/2011
Grandma - head-shaking, especially when focus such as thinking, eating
Sister - seizure on 09/07/2011